The management regrets to inform you …
- Due to others work flows, no late assignments can be accepted for assignments designated “Submission,” or “Provide Helpful Feedback,” (see schedule for assignment descriptions) therefore students submitting late will receive a grade of 59%. Other late work must meet requirements, will not be commented on, and will receive a maximum grade of 60%.
- Please make sure to post links well in advance of due date time due to technical issues. Double check by refreshing pages to make sure work has been submitted. Learning management systems are very bad at stopping an upload half way through so checking is a must.
- I will use e-mail to communicate important information about the class. Make sure your most used email account is working or link notifications to your phone in the best way for you. I’m usually pretty good at getting back to student’s quickly but I don’t check my work email on the weekend (and you wouldn’t either).
- All your work in this class is public. Please don’t write things you wish to remain private.
- Technology breakdowns happen. Be flexible (don’t freak out if our learning management site goes down) and aware (backup your files–Google Drive–and use anti-virus software) in order to keep our stress level as low as possible.
- Additionally, I do not repeat class content for students who have missed. Please make sure to become friends with someone who takes notes in the class to find out what you have missed. In the era of multiple ongoing global pandemics, for God’s sake if you are sick stay home.
There is no attendance requirement for this course however the social nature of in class learning environments can not be replicated by oneself in isolation all in class work can not be made up.
Minimum Computer and Digital Literacy Skills
- Obtain regular access to a reliable internet connection
- Proficient typing and word processing skills (MS Word, text editors, Google Docs)
- Ability to use online communication tools, such as email (create, send, receive, reply, print, send/receive attachments), discussion boards (read, search, post, reply, follow threads), chats, and messengers.
- Download and upload attachments
- Knowledge of copy/paste and use of spell check
- Use computer networks to locate and store files or data
- Internet skills and the ability to perform online research using various search engines and library databases. Visit Distance Learning Services at NC State Libraries for more information.
- Properly cite information sources using MLA or APA format
- Proper username and password management of online applications
Disability Statement
The NCSU is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. This syllabus is available in alternate formats upon request. Students with disabilities who need accommodations in this course must contact me at the beginning of the semester to discuss needed accommodations. I have found that I can reasonably work with most folks for accommodations that work with their needs. I am uncomfortable requiring documentation but should you need it for other classes students who need accommodations can be registered with Student Disability Services, Student Resource Center Room 132, phone (407) 823-2371, TTY/TDD only phone (407) 823-2116.
This course may contain copyright protected materials such as audio or video clips, images, text materials, etc. These items are being used with regard to the Fair Use doctrine in order to add value to the learning environment. Please do not copy, duplicate, download or distribute these items. The use of these materials is strictly reserved for this online classroom environment and your use only. All copyright materials are credited to the copyright holder.
Third-Party Software and FERPA
During this course you might have the opportunity to use public online services and/or software applications sometimes called third-party software, namely Google Drive and Moodle. Students may be required to disclose personally identifiable information to other students in the course, via digital tools, such as email or web-postings, where relevant to the course. Examples include online discussions of class topics, and posting of student coursework. All students are expected to respect the privacy of each other by not sharing or using such information outside the course.
As the Council of Writing Program Administrators puts it, “Plagiarism occurs when a writer deliberately passes off another’s words or ideas without acknowledging their source. For example, turning another’s work as your own is plagiarism.” Don’t do this. If you plagiarize in this class, you will likely fail the class and your case may be passed to the university for additional disciplinary action. (Taken from Steve Krause’s blog. See how easy that is?)
Drop/Add Policy
A few important aspects to be aware of regarding the drop/add policy are the following:
- All course drops or full semester withdrawals made after the 10th business day of the semester (Census Day) will be recorded on the transcript with a “W” grade.
- Students may not drop a course after Census Day if it will result in a course load of less than 12 hours (shifting from full-time to part-time).
- Students are now limited in the course drops permitted after Census Day. Students may drop individual courses without verified extenuating circumstances between Week 2 to Week 8 within a limit of 16 hours total throughout the entire undergraduate career at NC State.
- Student Mental and Material Resources
Student Ombuds
The Student Ombuds is a confidential resource (to the extent allowable by law), that provides a sounding board to discuss concerns related to your university experience – be they academic, personal or interpersonal, if it is important to you, it is an issue you can discuss with the Ombuds. The Student Ombuds provides information, discusses university policies and procedures, and helps students navigate their time at NC State. You can learn more about Student Ombuds Services and schedule an appointment by visiting ombuds.ncsu.edu/
Food & Housing Insecurity
Any student who faces challenges securing food and/or housing or has other financial challenges and believes this may affect their performance in this course is encouraged to notify the professor if you are comfortable in doing so. Alternatively, you can learn more about the Pack Essentials program and available resources by visiting https://dasa.ncsu.edu/pack-essentials/
N.C. State University Policies, Regulations, and Rules (PRR)
Students are responsible for reviewing the PRRs which pertain to their course rights and responsibilities. These include Equal Opportunity and No Discrimination Policy Statement, Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity, Code of Student Conduct, and Grades and Grade Point Average
Citation/Documentation Style
You may use either APA or MLA style citation, whichever you are more comfortable with. Chicago is right out.